Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Blue & Gold Macaws / Blue & Yellow Macaws

The Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna), also known as Blue-and-gold Macaw, is a member of the macaw group of parrots which breeds in the swampy forests of tropical South America from Panama south to Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay. It is probably now extinct on Trinidad .

Blue & Gold Macaws - like most other Macaw species - are large and magnificent in every respect. Theycan reach 76-84 cm long and weigh between 800 and 1300 g and are vivid in appearance with blue wings and tail, golden (some might say, "butterscotch") underparts and a green cap on the head. Their beaks are jet black and very strong for crushing nuts.
Exciting Mutations of the Blue & Gold Macaw have occurred.

Blue & Gold Macaws as Pets:
Although popular as pets because of their striking appearance and ability to talk, they require much more effort - and more knowledge - from owners than more traditional pets such as dogs or cats. They are intelligent and loving, so for someone who can provide for their needs, they make good companion animals.
Even the most well cared for blue and gold macaw will "scream" and make other loud noises. Loud vocalizations and destructive chewing are natural parts of their behavior and should be expected in captivity. To some extent you can redirect chewing to toys, but a macaw left alone, uncaged in a room will likely redecorate. By providing a number of toys in cage, one can minimize the destructive chewing as the bird will focus chewing on those appropriate objects.
They require a set-up that allows them to chew as much as they want, toys to keep them busy, an area that is easily cleaned and maintained. Not a bird for most households, but a source of great pleasure, wonderful companionship (and, admittedly, the occasional heartache over destroyed furnishings) - for the right owner. If their needs are not met, they are likely to develop behavioral problems, such as excessive screaming or biting, feather plucking in extreme cases, they may begin to mutilate themselves.

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