Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Nanday Conures

The Nanday Conure is amongst the most commonly kept pet conure species in the United States and maybe worldwide.Nandays have a distinctive black head, and wings and tails tipped with dark blue feathers. They have a light-blue scarf of differing intensity, as well as bright orange feathers on their legs and around their vents.
Mature birds average 11-12 inches in length and weigh ~5.2 ounces.
The maturity of a Nanday can be told by the edges of its black hood: if the hood has a ragged edge of brown, then the bird is over a year old.
Males and females look generally alike. The gender cannot be visually verified. For breeding birds, DNA or surgical sexing is recommended.
Nandays are extremely intelligent birds. They have the habit of falling asleep on their back, feet straight up in the air, which can be rather disconcerting the first time observed. They are capable of learning tricks, mimicking sounds, and learning a small vocabulary.

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